

Form: [1]

OE - prættig (pæti, pætig)

ME - prate, prathy, prati, pratte (…)

ModE – pretty


Prættig = prætt (prat) + -ig (suffix –y)

Prætt – a trick; fraud; a prank.

Suffix –y: from OE suffix –ig; ‘having the qualities of’

Praettig = cunning, crafty, astute, clever

Cognates in other languages: [3]

Dutch pret "trick, joke," German prettig "sportive, funny”, Flemish pertig "brisk, clever"

Development of the meaning:[4]

- between the end of the OE period and the 15th cent. attested in surnames (e.g. Simone Praty)

- 15th century: CLEVERLY OR ELEGANTLY MADE OR DONE;(pretty win)

- 15th century: ATTRACTIVE AND PLEASING IN APPEARANCE - of a person (esp. child/woman), thing or action;

- 15th century: HAVING ALL THE REQUISITE QUALITIES (people – bold, brave, polite, gallant; things: fine, pleasing, appropriate); since 16th century used also in an ironic sense

- 15th century: CONSIDERABLE; since 16th century also as adverb TO A CONSIDERABLE EXTENT (pretty hard)

- 18th century: noun - pretty thing, person or animal

- 19th century: verb - to make or dress oneself up to look attractive


  1. "pretty." OED Online. Oxford University Press, September 2014. Web. 26 November 2014..
  2. "pretty." OED Online. Oxford University Press, September 2014. Web. 26 November 2014..
  3. Harper D. "pretty." Online Etymology Dictionary. 2001.[1].
  4. "pretty." OED Online. Oxford University Press, September 2014. Web. 26 November 2014..